Infrastructure systems resilience

The figure above shows the simulation results in terms of system performance and behaviors of the interdependent power and water systems using the HLA co-simulation framework. The results reflect the high levels of granularity and details of the simulation models and help to clearly identify different influence mechanisms and feedback loop between the interdependent systems. Such results are useful to improve the resilience management of interdependent CISs.

The damage states and functional states of the water supply system components.

The figure shows details about the data exchanged between the CIS models.

The above figure illustrates the communication and data exchange mechanism between two CIS models in the HLA-based co-simulation environment. The CIS models interact through the exchange of services. Data exchanged between the CIS models is processed by the data processing unit (DPU) of each model to determine the level of serviceability and functional integrity loss obtained under updated simulation conditions.

The above figure illustrates a high-level architecture (HLA) based modeling framework for co-simulating interdependent CISs. The federation architecture consists of several functionally distinct modules that communicate via a middleware known as the runtime infrastructure (RTI). A module is a model or a group of associated models responsible for simulating a particular system, agent or factor comprising the interdependent system of systems.



Research Overview

Critical infrastructures systems (CISs) play a major role in the normal operation and sustainable development of cities. The resilience of a CIS refers to its degree of preparedness, ability to respond to, recover from and adapt to a disaster event. At a time of rapid urban development and frequent disasters, revealing the resilience mechanism of infrastructure systems is of great significance for improving the city's comprehensive disaster prevention, mitigation and relief capabilities and enhancing the sense of happiness and security of urban residents. A distributed modeling and simulation approach is proposed to model interdependent CISs in an attempt to address the challenges in the interoperability and synchronization of heterogeneous CIS models, and the limitations of widely adopted interdependent CISs modeling approaches. The developed models will be used to simulate the cascading failures and recovery processes of interdependent CISs, assess the resilience of CISs, and propose resilience improvement measures. On the basis of the above research work, the resilience modeling of interdependent CISs is studied from a socio-technical system perspective, to understand the interactions between the technical systems and the various CIS stakeholders and clarify the impact mechanism between the human factor and CIS resilience. The results of this research can provide scientific basis and theoretical support for urban disaster management.

Research Team

Fei Wang、Joseph Jonathan Magoua、Quan Mao、Jiaxu Huang


Beijing Natural Science Foundation (BJNSF):8202027,2020.01-2022.12

National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC):U1709212,2018.01-2021.12

National Key R&D Program of China:2017YFC0803300,2017.06-2021.03