Associate Professor Nan Li was invited to be Associate Editor of JME


Associate Professor Nan Li of the research group was recently invited to serve as Associate Editor of the Journal of Management in Engineering (JME), a well-known international journal in engineering management field.

JME is sponsored by the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), which aims to provide a platform for experts, scholars and practitioners around the world to discuss project management, contract management, information management, investment and financing, leadership, technological innovation, moral principles and other problems in the field of engineering construction. In recent years, the influence of JME in the international engineering management field continues to rise. JME’s current impact factor is 3.269, and the number of journal paper citations has maintained the forefront of journals in the field for many years. Over the past two years, JME has received an average of more than 500 submissions per year, with an acceptance rate of about 15%.

JME Journal

Associate Professor Nan Li has been invited to be the editorial board member (the first in Chinese Mainland) of JME Journal since February 2016, and has served as member of the JME Journal's Annual Best Paper Review Committee and guest editor of special issues several times in the past four years. In the future, he will play a more important role in the editorial board of JME. In addition, Associate Professor Nan Li also serves as the associate editor, editorial board member or guest editor of five international journals such as Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering (IF 2.554), Automation in Construction (IF 4.313), Advanced Engineering Informatics(IF 3.772), to name a few.