On June 29, 2020, professional information service provider Clarivate Analytics released the 2020 Journal Citation Reports (JCR). Every year, JCR counts and calculates the citations and cited data of more than 8,000 journals, including 3,800 core SCI journals. JCR then reports the Impact Factor and other indexes of each journal, which is published by ISI every year. The Impact Factor comprehensively reflects the influence of the research achievements reported in the journal and the academic level of the journal, which is an important reference for the submitting authors.
In the 2020 JCR report, the Impact Factors of some of the most influential journals in the three research fields of “engineering construction and management”, “civil engineering informatization” and “disaster risk and resilience” were updated and are summarized below:
Updated Impact Factor of key journals in the related fields
In general, compared to last year, the Impact Factors of most journals have increased significantly. Among them, the Impact Factors of several important journals in the field of civil engineering informatization have increased most. From a single journal, the Impact Factor of the “International Journal of Project Management" increased most. On the one hand, these changes may be due to the increase in the number of journals included in the JCR, the increase in the base number of "citations" used in calculating the impact factor, and the phenomenon of "inflation" in the impact factor. On the other hand, the continuous growth of impact factors also reflects the benign development of related fields and the rising popularity of important journals in the field, which is undoubtedly a positive signal for related researchers.