Li Nan's research group launches a series of invitations for academic lectures


In the second half of last year, 6 academic lectures by outstanding young scholars from mainland China and abroad were organized by the research group and achieved rich academic exchange results. On this basis, the research group officially launches another series of invitations for academic lectures this year.  Many more outstanding young scholars from China and abroad in engineering management related fields are invited to offer academic lectures to the research group, share their latest research achievements, discuss various academic topics, and provide advices for doctoral students.

Highlights from last year

The 1st academic lecture (Dr. Du Jing, University of Florida, U.S.A., 2020.7.7)

The 2nd academic lecture (Dr. Vicente A. González, University of Auckland, New Zealand, July 16, 2020)

The 3rd academic lecture (Dr. Qi Wang from Northeastern University, USA, 2020.7.29)

The 4th academic lecture (Dr. Chen Jiayu, City University of Hong Kong, 2020.8.26)

The 5th academic lecture (Dr. Nader Naderpajouh, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Australia, 2020.9.9)

The 6th academic lecture (Dr. Lin Jiarui, Tsinghua University, 2020.12.4)


In the near future, the research group will organize the 7th and 8th academic lectures. Two American NSF CAREER Award winners, Assistant Professor Zhao Dong of MSU and Associate Professor Tang Pingbo of CMU, will be invited to share their research progress and achievements in Green Building Movement and Human-Cyber-Physical Systems, respectively.

A detailed preview of the lectures will be released in the near future, and everyone is welcome to follow the updates posted on this official account.

How to participate?

In the future, the academic lectures of Li Nan’s research group will be moderately open to teachers and students outside the research group.

Interested fellow scholars can get the zoom conference link by leaving a message in the on the official account.